Sunday, January 25, 2009


Empathising is dangerous with movie-characters. :) .Thats the conclusion I drew when I saw a movie I had collected out of the occasional movie-hunger I develop. This is true especially for the movies where in the endings are not as happy as we would like it to be.

Well, Im talking about a korean movie called the Classic. Dont worry I aint putting up the story here. All i wish to say is that this movie squeezed my heart so much that tears came pourin out for a while more than I could handle. And my mistake was that I empathised with the character deep enough that I felt her loss immensely :). Lol...sounds like its melted me to the extents That Ive become sentimental.

Na I confidently consider myself of not bein a sentimental fool crying at some silly "Ready To Die" love recipes. Nor do I detach myself so much as not to feel the up s and down s the movie intends to make me experience. But this one took me by surprise.

It(the movie) belongs to the romanic genre and has got a predictable and long story with amazing actors and cute faces.

While watching never realised how the emotions had shaped up so strongly that a sharp turn the movie took towards the end almost pricked me. You ought to watch this movie when you think you re turning into one of the stone hearted creatures staying in the cement jungles..:)

Thats enough of a cry-baby post.


Tess Kincaid said...

Thank you for the link about 11:11

I started waking up and seeing 11:11 on the digital clock by my bed every single night in the fall of 2007. I thought I was going crazy! Then I started seeing it everywhere, every day; on my computer, microwave, oven, cell phone, and even blog post times! I'm not sure of the meaning behind it, but have read many of the theories. Fascinating.

Readable me :) said...

nice to hear from you willow :)

Unknown said...

well....i had the privilege of hearing the story....though the narrative in the form of equations couldn't evoke emotions:P......
nice one:-)