Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lame law.

Even though I have no experience in managing a country with so many people; I can say we have a lame law.Its been a discussion outside courts;at homes of terror hit people;at Mumbai and at the lunch and dinner tables of almost every house hold in Mumbai.
Yes I am talking about the ubiquitous topic: The Kasab case.
Some terrorists coolly come to the shore of land discovered by Vasco Da Gama in a manner similar to his except that this one's loaded with every deleterious material needed to shed enough blood to talk about for a few coming years. And they are successful. Not at terrorizing people but giving topics for the immature Indian media(Again I don't need an experience here. The stupid BREAKING NEWS that they display is enough to conclude.).And now one of the culprits is sitting in the jail with most flattering media attention and a treatment may be the other unfortunate jailed are devoid of. May be the conversation now among small time criminals is they have to commit this big a crime to achieve this kind of a royal treatment...
Information has been pouring since day one from this detained and certified terrorist.It requires validation ; agreed. More could be lurking behind the ever changing replies from this psychopath. But when it comes to taking action on the information provided; the blindfolded lady thinks twice! Will this case go on and on like the other scam cases ? Or will it only till the day there is a security lapse and this fellow escapes to kill some more innocent lives ?

How many times are we going to go over and over again saying there has to be a different law for handling terrorism? Sometimes it feels as if the law is too lame to handle cases this strong. Are we going to tolerate such terrorism and let its culprits breathe under the hood of democracy and give them a fair chance ?

The government should be made to give a daily report to the ever hungry media on this case as its a universal concern. The RTI might help in that case. A law(about RTI) I doubt would give us enough lead in every government aspect but surely would in this case. This reporting would clearly display the languid law and its dying effectiveness. At least it would budge the law-handlers to wake up and put a full-stop on this long-stretched drama under pressure if not as a part of their duty.


FrostBite said...

The Indian media is immature to use the kindest words......the way they jeopardised the 26/11 operations was shocking......but still without them we would be ill informed......too much is dangerous i know......but still our media brings to light all the short comings present in our system......its a good thing for our democracy.....albeit with very less sensationalism.........

Readable me :) said...

I agree there is a positive side to it..indignation kept me away from mentioning it ..but thats accepting something without nothing. Every news is stretched, highlighted, and the victims are harassed to come out with statements they could flash. They add their own priorities to the news and cause a furor for nothing;on issues that could have been best handled without media coverage.

I believe media has enough power to actually make a difference. A difference that can undermine the biggest of changes that our elected leaders can bring. But instead we only have the media hype; as that is what they need to raise their audience. And for that they could barge into the houses of families who lost a loved one ...and ask them to rub and clean the photo of their loved one to bring emotions swelling in their viewers. Ask them what they feel of the situation.

The tehelka guys...they were almost on the verge of exploring that part of the power media has.
What happened after 26/11 would have happened then. All the loose chars would have been out then itself.

Anyways; words are too weak to move a nation of such huge masses. :) So its in vain that I write so much to help you understand a perspective of mine that could be used to change the world; a dream every youngster sees till he explores reality.