Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Creating a Horcrux...some fun-dae(theory) :)

Let start with what is a horcrux : A Horcrux is a fictional magical object in the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. It is a Dark Magic device created to attain immortality. as defined in Wiki. That brings with it the next would you define immortality ? Wiki says "Immortality (or eternal life) is the concept of living in a physical or spiritual form for an infinite or inconceivably vast length of time". So I presume vast length of time means beyond the time of physical being.

With this definition of horcrux, I say we can create our horcruxes in real life. You ask me how.This is how you create your horcrux.

There are two necessary and sufficient conditions that MUST be fulfilled to create a horcrux.
Condition 1: You must love somebody.
Condition 2: And that somebody must love you.

And by love I mean the acceptance of another being in whole.
The outcome of this is that, you tend to create a better half of yourself in the other person and the other person tends to accept that part of you in himself. Thus creating a piece of you in him. So when you die that piece doesn't die but remains immortally in the other being of-course until that being survives.

If you wish to immortalize yourself in a non-living object then this is limited objects that can hold your details like a diary etc. but this will only hold your properties but not the real you.

There are limitations when functions like CreateHorcrux are imported from Fantasy class to Real class...Oh I mean world :D.
So if you wish to create a horcrux...find your mate today and immortalize yourself! :D Howzzat! ?


Unknown said...

seriously heavy fundae! :)

AmrutaTheOptimist said...

Oh surely, this one is brain-wracking post ..but, good one. The blog post is composed and campact. this post came soon after u discussed this with us.. good job.